If you are thinking of getting a lip blush tattoo, there are a few things that you should know before going in for your appointment. First, it is crucial to know that you should expect some pain and mild swelling after the procedure. It is also important that you stay consistent with your lip hygiene routine. It's a good idea...

Microblading is a procedure that involves making fine incisions in the skin using a microblade. The technician will determine the depth of these incisions based on the desired result and your skin type. Then, the technician will inject pigment into the incisions. The pigment will match the color of your hair and skin tone.

Lip Blushing


If you suffer from the problem of lip blushing, it's advisable to consult with your doctor. The procedure will require two sessions. Before the procedure, you should avoid eating or drinking spicy foods and drinking hot drinks. Also, avoid using bleaching products or cosmetic white strips on the area, and avoid excessive sun exposure. You should...

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